This machine links TSX Batch model features with minimum room: it allows to work in batches with pneumatically operation cycle, dedicated, through special opening and closing shutters system; all this has 1800x1400 mm plan and 2600 mm height.
It is suitable both for a workshop layout and for in line positioning directly to moulding machine, increasing significantly production efficiency process.
This machine combines the great reliability, consolidated over the years, of the mod. TSX deflashing machine, the possibility of working even x batches, which, with a dedicated pneumatic cycle, through a system of opening and closing of special shutters, can be kept separate from each other.
Compared to the Compact model, this model having a larger diameter (230mm) deflashing cage and being longer also makes it possible to deflash larger pieces and in any case a prolonged stay of the pieces under grit shot.
Compared to a belt machine, the deflashing by TSX and Compact machines is particularly suitable for non-fragile pieces that can collide with each other without problems, indeed benefiting from the contact in a sort of tumbling.