Cut Grinders

Precision Cutter Grinder


Specially designed for producing cutters of any convex profile, both symmetrical and asymmetrical, with any size tip radius down to as low as 0,05 mm. with accuracy better than 0,003 mm., perfect continuity along all cutter profiles and with lapped surfaces giving roughness in the range of 0,02 Ra.The grinding wheels are mounted on a special hub which has a centring boss with a wide front face and polar reference pin. This ensures repeatability and run-out of the grinding plane within 0,002 mm. and allows bi-rotation of the spindle which especially advantageous when finishing very small tips. A fast locking system of the wheel spindle, without the use of spanners, give quick change over.

  • Less them 0,05 mm workout
  • 5 μm precision
  • perfect profile
Structure detail

Structure detail



How it works

How it works

